November 01, 2017
You have many options to make a blog with SSG (Static Site Generator).
SSG | Language / Library | Site |
Jekyll | Ruby | |
Hugo | Go | |
Hexo | Node.js | |
Gatsby | React + GraphQL | |
But if you are interested in React and GraphQL and into them, Gatsby may be the best choice.
This way is super simple, fast, and even for free, but I purchased custom domain from Amazon Route 53. If you don’t want to spend money, you don’t need to buy it. But I highly recommend to get it because it looks more professional and can be identity of you.
Fist of all, install Gatsby
npm install -g gatsby
and then clone the gatsby starter for blog
git clone blog
cd blog
npm install
You can also use gatsby new
command, but I recommend git clone
for keeping updating your gatsby code.
And run it.
gatsby develop
With browser, go to http://localhost:8000 and it supports hot reloading whenever you edit code, so you can see changes in your browser directly.
Next, you need to change origin to gatsby because you have to assgin it for your github’s new repository.
git remote rename origin gatsby
Make a new repository with your github account on github site.
git remote add origin
git push --set-upstream origin master
If you have any problem when you use git protocol instead of http protocol, refer to this. Maybe you need SSH Key for git protocol.
git push origin master
For deploying a static site, basically you have two options. One is Github Pages and another is Netlify. Normally Github Pages is easy and good. But we will use Netlify because it has big two pros.
npm install -g netlify-cli
netlify init
directory to deploy: public
your build command: gatsby build
looking good: Y
github username: yourgithubusername
github password: **********
No site id specified, create new site? Y
After a while, you will get netlify blog address like If you don’t like random address, you can change it to unique name.
netlify update -n newblognamehere
Done!! If you want to use custom domain, you can easily replace a domain on Netlify dashboard menu.
Happy blogging and coding !!
Written by Jay Park who lives in Toronto building SPA and loves React, Redux, GraphQL, Redux-Saga, and Node.