Written by Jay Park who lives in Toronto building SPA and loves React, Redux, GraphQL, Redux-Saga, and Node.
How to make your HTML responsive by adding a single line of CSS : Basic Exmaples of CSS grid. He explained it with easiest way This…
Fixing React Performance Issues on Airbnb’s Listing Pages
Clean Code vs. Dirty Code: React Best Practices Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of React The many faces of this in…
Arrow Functions in Class Properties Might Not Be As Great As We Think : We have to avoid using arrow functions in class properties. Arrow…
React React Pattern: Centralized PropTypes : Avoid repeating yourself by centralizing PropTypes Redux How Redux Can Make You a Better…
No more Over- and Underfetching One of the most common problems with REST is that of over- and underfetching. This happens because the only…
Simple React Patterns Debugging React Like a Champ with VSCode You are managing state? Think twice. React Component Patterns
The 14 JavaScript debugging tips you probably didn’t know A Guide to Automating & Scraping the Web with JavaScript (Chrome + Puppeteer…
You have many options to make a blog with SSG (Static Site Generator). SSG Language / Library Site Jekyll Ruby https://jekyllrb.com Hugo Go…
Redux I read the article about Redux on Medium . Sometimes I find incredible articles. These articles are also helpful to understand the…
Finally, I created a blog with gatsby.js. The reason why I chose gatsby as static site generator is that I am into React, GraphQL. Nowadays…